Thursday, October 23, 2008

Akibat curi2 rokok

Since there's no other interesting 'whatever' happening in my life lately, this one tops the most interesting moments for the last 2 months of my life. hahaha!

So, kids.. don't curi2 smoke when your parents are at home. although you know that they were sleeping, the slightest sound around can make you run like a frighten mouse. hahahahaha!

Lesson learn: stop smoking, if you haven't start, don't. it can hurt you then slowly kills you. ;)

(i'm stopping. just not yet. shut up!)


Anonymous said...

a 20++ years old women becomes a 10 years old girl wen she's at home.. hahaha!

adelinervity said...


A. F. said...

tak sia2 aku suruh ko buat blog sendri. byk btul ko tulih. hahaha